Blog #64 is Stella sexy

This week someone said I was still sexy. It was nice to hear them speak the words. So as I do I posted it on my Facebook.

Of course I had comments if support, so it cause me to think, am I really sexy. What is sexy?

I believe that sexy is a state of mind, and attitude as well as a look. I wear thongs because I believe sexy underwear adds to the attitude. The same with high heel sexy shoes. When you are in high heels you just have to walk a certain way which is sexy. It can’t be helped.

Yes, you can get sexy clothes, but it’s more about how you wear them. How they fit you, not too tight not to revealing, more classy. I know I am blessed to be tall, because that gives me so much options to ensure, I always get the look I am after in my clothes.

But I think one of the most sexiest thing is a smile. That along with welcoming eyes. A smile can change the whole aspect of your face, and say, not only do I look good, but I am a wonderful person.

With my smile and lashes, I feel that I don’t always need make up. The confidence I have from knowing that even with my weigh issues, I can still put myself together and give the illusion of sexiness, just keeps me smiling.

My attitude is that each day I am alive I am grateful. I thank god for the blessings that allow me to wake up healthy. Negative things my happen, and so long as no one has died it’s not important. We will get over it.

How, do I ensure Stella is sexy. It’s something I have had to learn. I’ve picked up tips from girlfriends, magazines, superstar and I think this is what works for me.

1. Always be coordinated, not too many colours. Go for a specific look from head to to.

2. A smile will make everything ok, so keep smiling I’m all situations.

3. If you believe you are sexy, it will show in the attitude. Reflect in your walk and your persona. Then others will believe too.

4. Think nice thoughts, say nice things. If you can’t say anything nice be quiet. That is the rule I live by.

All of the above I believe is what makes Stella sexy. Thank you for letting me know.

Stellaimnot but in 2020 I’m still sexy.

Blog #79 Goals 2024

I feel I should say hello, as I have not written a blog since February 23. The reason being life, I always meant to write my goals for 2023, has it happen I did it on power point and never transferred to here. But as it is the 1st and a new year, one of my goals will be to ensure that I continue with my blogging.

When I first started to blog I wanted my blogs to be funny, since then I have performed a 5 minute stand up routine, which I am proud off, and should be on Utupe. So now I have had the training I do need to put it into practice. Goal number 2.

My 3rd Goal, is to retire at the end of January, the steps are already in place, and now I just need to continue with my plans for my retirement party which will take place on the 15th June. It will cost me an arm and an leg, but I do want it to be memorable, so I will be working with the best to achieve this. 

Of course goal 4 will be to loose weight, it would not be new year resolution if this was not included. So far I have lost 10lbs, if I could double this I will be please. All I need to do is keep walking an hour a day and stop putting food in my month, sounds easy, but as we all know this is hard. I only want to be a size 14, so that I look good in my clothes, I don’t think that is too much to ask. I am motivated, as last night when my belly was sticking out, I saw someone, just focusing on it. It completely spoilt my night. That will not happen again.

Social media, is killing me. I am addicted. Its not all bad, but it does take up a lot of time. I need to monitor this, but at the same time I need to improve the quality of my posts. But I do like how it captures my life, and provides me with the ability to look back a number of years and know exactly what I was doing. I also need to start posting on tik Tok, and also my tube. It will all be about quality posts. Now I am retiring time should not be a problem. Goal 5, is all about quality social media presents.

I have notice, I have become more cranky as I have gotten older, is it possible to control this? At the same time my tolerance is low. I just need to surround myself with positive people, and stay away from negative energy. With this learning to enjoy my own company, something I have struggled with before. But I am growing to accept. So goal 6 is a lot amount ensuring my mental health is at its best, may be this should be given a much higher ranking.

Since we are talking about health, and has already been touched on. Weight management is top, but also sugar management, and my gut health needs to take more priority along with water. I also think I need to get some work done, and this will be the year to do it.

Goal 8 has to be related to the house. Keeping it tidy, organised and clutter free. Learning to throw things away, will be challenging. But with that said, more controlled shopping, do I really need it? Or operating a one in one out policy. The items which need the most attention is the back garden, leaking roofs, and rising damp. First will be to carpet the stairs, now that I know what colour I want its just to get on with it within my budget.

Talking of budget, I need to control my spending. Better still saving some money would be good. Or just living to a budget would be great. Multiple income streams is where I want to be. But also not wasting money, which is what I am good at. so now I need to change all the light bulbs and make sure that they are switch off at night.

My last goal 10, is about family. I need to spend more time with them, and if they don’t keep in touch with me, then maybe I should reach out to them. I guess I should include my friends in this to. Ive notice that very few people actually ring me. But I just need to put them on a rota, and ensure I check in with them, even, if they can’t be bother to do the same to me. But my process is my status, and again the quality of these need to improve. I want to be all about being funny and interesting, not quite achieved here, but all work in process.

Stella Imnot, funny I hope to be.